Takes advantage of a built-in voice module to recognize speech and user commands used to interact with Windows OS or documents.
Dragon NaturallySpeaking, the promising software which assures continuous recognition of natural speech that is converted to text.
With life becoming easier day by day, this incredible application gives you a break from hectic typing of text documents, pages, emails and so on. With unmatched capabilities and accuracy this tool can be delegated to its tasks with a microphone. After training the software to your voice commands this application is ready to make you; surf the web, fill out forms, apply PC’s commands, dictate into programs that accept text, and so on completely with your voice.
All you have to do henceforth is simply speak into the microphone and you will find your words converted into text. Other than the above mentioned capabilities this utility allows to use voice commands to start and switch among programs and control program windows, menus, and dialog boxes. It also provides the option to increase its accuracy by building vocabularies as per the user preferences required for dictation.
The utility is displayed as a tray icon which is completely functional and performs all major tasks from the icon. Supporting a simple interface and a small learning curve this utility can be completely apprehended with its informative help manuals.
Become smarter and adopt smarter techniques to save your time and energy spent on hectic and monotonous typing methods.
Comments (11)
the DNS profile is corrupted every time my Windows (I have Windows 7 Pro). The 'Restore' action is implemented. If you copy a backup copy, then the program halts at Startup so you can select which of your backups you want to run.
I have paid out for two versions of DNS. I would have thought Nuance would have wanted to generate some goodwill and let established customers such as myself